I thought it would be easy to get up this morning after going to bed at midnight. Apparently, I need more than six or even seven hours of sleep! I heard my alarm go off at 10 minutes to 6. "Ugh!" *smack!* *snore*
Yup, not pretty. I didn't have a great start yesterday, either. I'm including two cups of milk in my diet, which is a lot more than I'd ever drink in the morning. I usually will have a few sips, and that's it. However, yesterday, after drinking the milk along with granola, my stomach started to feel just awful and making equally awful gurgling noises. A half hour later I literally had to run to the bathroom because I couldn't hold it in! Very BAD start! I'm starting to think that I'm becoming lactose intolerant. The issue is that this seems to only happen when I drink milk in the morning. It could be that it's just a morning thing, because my stomach has been empty for hours. I'm going to test myself this week (once I get my paycheck and am able to go buy more milk). I'm going to try buying Lactaid milk and see how that goes.
Then, later in the day, I started to eat some of the other food I had packed for myself. I still don't know if it was because of the milk in the morning, but I just couldn't finish all my food. My stomach kept hurting, and I kept getting gas and cramps throughout the day. I ended up not eating everything I was supposed to, on top of going to bed late. So today, I'm going to have to make it up. Won't be going to bed early tonight, though. Biggest Loser is on tonight!
#106 - Always Sucking It Up/In
15 years ago
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